
KTSB logs 13 years without a lost time injury

Kertih Terminals Sdn Bhd celebrated a safety milestone – 13 years without a lost time injury – on 21 November 2018 with an accumulative total of 7.4 million safe working man-hours.

With the vision “To be the safest and best terminal our customers, employees and contractors have ever worked with” KTSB consistently strengthens its safety culture and practices continuous improvement within its organisation.

In his speech at the lunch celebration, Surizan Khalil, KTSB CEO, expressed his sincere appreciation to everyone involved in achieving this milestone, and thanked the representatives from the customers who have directly or indirectly contribute to this achievement.  He emphasized that the campaign of “Trust & Verify” must be practiced by all and not limited to only the management team.  Everyone is empowered to ensure that KTSB operations are safe at all times.

As a guest speaker, CEO of BPPA, Mohd Roslan Ismail, shared BPPA’s experience in achieving 19 years of LTI free operations.  “By striving to improve the personal safety among the workers, we can help ourselves in avoiding any potentially harmful situation” he quoted.

By Mohamad Khairul Nizam Azmee